Walking Challenges with Go Jauntly

Celebrate the little wins that encourage healthy new habits.

Our walking challenges are a great spur to get you out walking every day. 


Free Walking Challenges

Sign up for free and enjoy self-satisfaction, unlock badges and celebrate your micro-adventures on foot. Plus all of the brilliant benefits that walking brings. Feel happier and healthier. 

Check out our live walking challenges here

Fifty Thousand Footsteps

50K Steps a Week

Walk 1000km Challenge

Journey to 1000km

Sunshine Challenge

Spring to Summer Walk 600km

Walk 2024km Challenge

Walk 2024km this year

GM Ringway Challenge

20 view-filled stages covering over 200 miles

GM Ringway Explorer

Complete any 5 of the GM Ringway Short Adventures

Personal Walking Challenges

Smashing each and every walking challenge you participate in? With our personal walking challenges you can create your own daily walking challenge at the push of a button.  In less than a minute, pick between a step, distance or time-based challenge. Choose your target. Set a start date. Get walking!


Want to create a personal walking challenge?

Pick between a step, distance or time-based challenge.

Set a start date.

Choose your target.

Get walking!


Upgrade to try today


Destination Challenges

Want to tick each and every section of your favourite walking route of your bucket list?
With our new route challenges you can!

Capital Ring is split into 15 sections around outer London covering 78 miles.

Greater Manchester Ringway is split into 20 sections across 10 boroughs and over 200 miles

GM Ringway Explorer is 10 short walks with only 5 needed to complete the challenge. 

School Challenges

By walking, cycling, wheeling or scooting to school more often pupils, parents and carers become happier and healthier, reduce carbon emissions, air pollution and save money!

Learn more from our Pompey Monsters Stomp to School Challenge (now complete with school leaderboards) and get in touch

Walking Challenges for our Partners

Want to encourage more walking and promote behaviour change? Whether you’re looking to promote active travel, walking for leisure or boost activity levels, our challenges feature helps motivate and monitor walking activity.