The Jaunters Code

6 ways to stay safe and make the most out of your jaunts.


We want you to have fun outdoors, whilst looking after yourself, those around you and the natural environment. Ensure you’re following government guidance on exercise and travel due to the coronavirus pandemic. Please remember the following, be sensible and have fun!


1.  Prepare for your walk. Check the weather, always bring water and weather appropriate gear. If hiking, bring all the necessary equipment with you.


2.  If you're going on a hike, bring a physical map and compass in case phone signal isn't available or your phone battery runs out.

3.  Don't harm nature. Pick up any litter you see and never leave your own. Respect those living nearby where applicable.


4.  Leave gates open or shut as you find them, following signage where applicable, and follow footpaths where possible. 

5.  Ensure dogs are kept under your control and pick up any mess. Their poop can affect the biodiversity and some areas aren't always suitable for our four-legged friends.

6.  Only ever share walks that do not trespass and try to provide helpful information. Only share pictures of people with their permission.