Pompey Monsters Stomp to School Challenge
The Pompey Monster Inter-school Stomp to School challenge is a 6 week walk to school challenge that will be completed by participating schools via the Go Jauntly app, in partnership with Portsmouth City Council.
What is the Pompey Monsters Stomp to School Challenge?
Stomper, the leader of the Pompey Monsters, is the challenge cheerleader and helps prompt pupils, parents and carers to change their school run habits. By walking, cycling, wheeling or scooting to school more often pupils, parents and carers become happier and healthier, reduce carbon emissions, air pollution and save money!
Over the six week challenge pupils, parents and carers receive helpful tips on walking and wheeling and why choosing active travel is good for everyone and good for the environment. Stomper highlights weekly achievements and digital badges are unlocked each time a pupil walks to school.
How can my children take part in the Pompey Monsters Stomp to School Challenge?
The Pompey Monsters Inter-school Stomp to School Challenge starts at different points throughout each school year. Sign up will be available the week before launch. The participating schools vary from term to term.
To participate in this challenge all pupils, parents and carers must stomp to school at least once, everyday for six weeks. If you can’t stomp all the way to school, parents and carers are encouraged to park a short distance away from their school so they can still stomp some of the way. The more you walk, the more badges you’re awarded and the more chance you have of winning the challenge prizes.
Pupils in Portsmouth can stomp to school more in the new “Walk to school” Challenge with Go Jauntly.
Prizes, what prizes?
Previous prizes have included BMX shows and new scooter parking. Find out about prizes for your challenge when it launches.
The Pompey Monsters Inter-school Stomp challenge league table can be found here.
Need help?
If you have questions about the Pompey Monsters Stomp to School challenge, Portsmouth City Council have a dedicated FAQ page set up to answers any queries that you may have.
If you’re a parent/ carer who is experiencing difficulties in registering for the challenge please email the team at Portsmouth City Council, here.